Top Paid Entertainers

1: Taylor Swift, $45 million
17 Top Paid Entertainers... more after the break...
2: Miley Cyrus, $48 million

3: Sandra Bullock, $56 million

4: Madonna, $58 million

5: Lady Gaga, $62 million

6: Britney Spears, $64 million

7: Jerry Seinfeld, $75 million

8: Simon Cowell, $80 million

9: Dr. Phil, $80 million

10: Beyoncé, $87 million

11: George Lucas, $95 million

12: Steven Spielberg, $100 million

13: Jerry Bruckheimer, $100 million

14: Tiger Woods, $105 million

15: Michael Bay, $120 million
16: James Cameron, $210 million

17: Oprah Winfrey, $315 million

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