7 most luxurious things in the world

1.Apple iPhone 3G Kings Button Worth 30 Billion Rupiah
most luxurious things in the world

most luxurious things in the world

Stuard Hughes is an expert at making electronic goods into a super-luxury goods. With the touch of his hand, Iphone 3g 32 gb that was worth 7 million dollars, could be a work of art disulapnya super luxury at a price 30 billion.

What makes iphone it expensive? Of course casing. With bertahtakan 130 flawless diamonds, each of magnitude 0.75 ct, the total is 97.5 ct of diamonds. Platinum-based chassis is also equipped with 4 pink diamond the size of each 2.5ct.
Casing behind no less luxurious, made of 18 ct rose gold, and the apple logo is made with 53 diamonds. But it all has not been as great as 7.1 ct diamond that became the navigation button. More after the break...

2.Ginza Handbag worth $ 1.63 Million Dollars
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world

Handbag is valued $ 1.63 million. Handbag is coated with platinum, diamonds and buttons of the goods themselves without the slightest flaw. Very valuable, and perhaps more valuable than what will you carry in it.

3.The Aurora Diamante worth $ 1.3 million dollars
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world

The Aurora Diamante, is one of the world's most expensive pen worth $ 1.3 million dollars. In the production is very limited, and made only one fruit each year. The pen is made from super luxurious material solid platinum is decorated by more than 30-carat diamond De Beers. Sensation sheen light reflected by the diamond on her 'body' making the user look more elegant and classy.
4.Es Cream Of Diamonds Worth $ 1 Million Dollars
most luxurious things in the world

Shocking news came from Bruster's Real Ice Cream because it has successfully launched its most expensive ice cream cone-shaped in the world, worth one million U.S. dollar. This launch event was held at the JCK show Las Vegas. Cone that if these waffles made from specially created by diamond manufacturer, Lazare Kaplan International, Inc. Cone consists of 20 troy ounces of white and yellow gold at 18 carats and 548 fruit Lazare diamond-shaped circle. Not only that, ice cream cones come equipped with 87 pieces of diamond emerald cut Lazare and a Fancy Intense Yellow diamond at 5.63 carats

5.DualTow Watch by Christophe Claret worth $ 300,000 
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world

This thing is priced $ 300,000. These watches are not made from a mixture of gold or platinum. Expensive because its design is very complex and complicated, and a transparent casing. If you have money, want to buy this clock ga ya?

6.Macbook Air Supreme ice Edition for $ 200,000 Dollars
most luxurious things in the world

Macbook Air Supreme Edition belongs ice Stuart Hughes coated with platinum and a total of 2.5 kg with the Apple logo made of 25.5 carat diamond (there are 53 diamonds). Macbook is estimated at a price of $ 200,000 and make it become the world's most expensive laptop. Sparkle and materials used to make limited edition Macbook is very beautiful, elegant, and makes it into products that artsy and high flavor.

7.DEOS Group's Diamond earbuds for $ 15,000 Dollar
most luxurious things in the world
most luxurious things in the world

These earbuds sold $ 15,000 a pair. Compatible with all Apple brand and quality gadgets sound also produced high quality course.

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