The 2011 Beautiful Bulldog Contest

Here is a collection of pretty pictures of Drake University's annual contest of Beautiful Bulldog. Bulldogs are extremely underrated.A bulldog is the common name for a breed of dog also called the English Bulldog or British Bulldog. Among the other races bulldog American Bulldog and French Bulldog. The Bulldog is a muscular, heavy dog ​​with a wrinkled face and a surge in the nose. The American Kennel Club, The Kennel Club and United Kennel Club standards to control livestock.

The beauty of this year, Bulldog, Lucy Brown! Lucy Johnston, Iowa
Beautiful Bulldog 1
More after the break...

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The Bulldog is a breed with broad shoulders and a corresponding header function. There are generally thick folds of skin on the forehead of a bulldog, followed by round, black, wide-set eyes, a short snout with pleats feature called "rope" on the nose, sagging skin in the neck and hanging lips sharp teeth. The hair is short, thin and elegant, with red, beige, white, brindle (a mixture of colors, often in irregular waves or bands), and magpie.

Beautiful Bulldog 10

Beautiful Bulldog 11

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United States, the size of a typical mature male about 45 pounds and that for older women is about £ 45 for a standard English bulldog. In the United Kingdom, the breed standard for a male 55 pounds and 50 pounds for a female.While certain breeds of dogs have their tails cut or docked shortly after birth, the Bulldogs are one of the rare breeds whose tails are naturally short and cup.

Beautiful Bulldog 14

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