Ritual Fire Dance in Bulgaria

An old habit of the centuries can be traced back to Tracians, Bulgaria. Nestinarstvo (Fire Dancing) is a mysterious ritual in which people actually dancing on burning coals without causing burns.

Ritual Fire Dance in Bulgaria

Believed to have become one of the oldest pagan rituals in the Balkans. Nestinarstvo become a symbol of resistance against the persecution by the Christian Church and communism and is still practiced in some villages Bulgaria and the Greek-speaking on Strandzha Mountains.

One of these remote settlements is the legendary village Bulgari, in which people are still dancing on hot coals, just as their ancestors have done for thousands of years. watch video and more images after the break...

Ritual Fire Dance in Bulgaria

Mysterious ritual Nestinarstvo begins at sundown, when nestinar head (fire dancers), wearing a white shirt and red sash wrapped around his waist, arrived in Bulgari and start spreading hot coals in a circle.

The lights turned off and all the villagers gathered around the dance circle hot coals, accompanied by bagpipes and drums sound.

Nestinari began to dance around the circle, carrying religious icons, and then walk through the fire, their feet lightly touching the red-hot coals, sometimes pressing hard in a circular motion. This dance continues until nestinari could extinguish the fire with their feet.

Ritual Fire Dance in Bulgaria

Entire villages Bulgaria took part in the celebration, but only nestinari professionals who actually do the dance of fire. In ancient times, the only woman selected as nestinari, but now also done by men.

The faces of the dancers was pale as snow and keep their eyes half-closed during Nestinarstvo, So that many people believe that they go into a spiritual trance which enables them to tell the future.

Ritual Fire Dance in Bulgaria

But the most amazing thing about Nestinarstvo is that the medical examination of nestinari have revealed that the soft skin of their legs and leave no trace of burns.

Another intriguing fact is that the objects falling on burning coals, like the head-scarf from nestinari woman, never touched by the fire.

Eyewitnesses had reported a story about a dancer who tripped and fell on top of hot coals, but only rise and continue their dance like nothing happened. via

Nestinarstvo.Ezichesko i drevno source  Dance Video Nestinarstvo 

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