Airplane Black Boxes

Airplane Black Boxes 1

The black boxes are actually small colored boxes on the plane. Although the size of the box may be small, but it tends to play a very important role. The main function of the black boxes is to store information about all the conversations between the pilots. It also stores information on the flight and engine parameters Great Escape. More images after the break...

Airplane Black Boxes 2

Airplane Black Boxes 3

Airplane Black Boxes 4

Black boxes are normally made on a particular type of equipment that can withstand the kind of serious injury. The bright color can easily detect the box. When a plane crash, investigators usually first try to hunt for the black box. This is mainly for the reason that the box to aid in their research, providing important information about what caused the plane crash. Over the years the black box was able to help researchers to solve many mysteries plane crash.

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